.NET REST API to Convert & Process CAD Drawings
Build cloud-based CAD converter applications to Export AutoCAD DWG, DWF & DXF Drawings. Use C# cloud SDK to rotate, flip or scale CAD files in the cloud.
Get StartedAspose.CAD Cloud .NET SDK is an easy-to-use set of REST APIs for developing AutoCAD drawing converter and processor applications in C#. Your cloud-based applications will work as an AutoCAD alternative, when it comes to fetching CAD information of drawings or converting AutoCAD images from DXF (R12/2007/2010) to PDF (as a vector or as a raster) or images (BMP, PNG, JPG, JPEG, JPEG2000, TIF, TIFF, PSD, GIF, WMF).
Using Aspose.CAD Cloud .NET SDK, you can modify the scale of CAD drawing, rotate CAD images or flip CAD sketches. Developers can easily open, modify and convert popular AutoCAD DWG, DWF and DXF File Formats inside their own applications.
Advanced Features for AutoCAD processing
Export existing CAD drawing to other supported formats
Export existing CAD drawing via Request Body
Fetch information regarding CAD image properties
Change scale of an existing AutoCAD image
Change scale of a CAD image via Body
Rotate and flip existing CAD image and get via Response
Convert AutoCAD DWG File to PDF
Support for DWG, DXF, DWF, DGN, IFC, STL formats
Convert CAD drawing to Raster images
Quick & Easy AutoCAD Processing Solution
In order to take benefit from features of Aspose.CAD Cloud .NET SDK, you do not need to download or install any software. Simply create an account at Aspose for Cloud and get your application information. Once you have the App SID & key, you are ready to give the Aspose.CAD Cloud .NET SDK a try on supported platforms.
Convert AutoCAD DXF file to JPG image and change its scale - .NET
// Get APP_KEY and APP_SID from https://dashboard.aspose.cloud/#/apps
CADApi cadApi = new CADApi("APP_KEY", "APP_SID");
var request = new GetChangeImageScaleRequest("to_be_converted.dxf", "jpg", 100, 150, null, null, null);
var responseStream = cadApi.GetChangeImageScale(request);
// Save the output file to disk
saveFileToDisk(responseStream, "converted_from_dxf.jpg");
Fetch Properties to Scale, Rotate or Flip CAD Drawings
Aspose.CAD Cloud .NET SDK offers the capabilities to load an AutoCAD file and get Properties associated with it. At the same time, you can also change the scale of an image, rotate or flip existing images. You can export existing AutoCAD drawings to other supported formats, such as BMP, PNG, JPG, JPEG, JPEG2000, TIF, TIFF, PSD, GIF, WMF, and PDF (as a vector and as a raster). The conversion is reliable and robust providing ease for customers to accomplish requirements with fewer code lines.
Convert CAD DWG Drawings to PDF & Other Formats
Aspose.CAD Cloud .NET SDK provides the capability to convert AutoCAD DWG drawings/images to PDF and other supported file formats. You can easily export an existing drawing to another format. You can upload a document to Cloud storage after that you can save the output file to disk in your required supported format. It supports CAD drawings conversion to BMP, JPG, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, GIF, PDF, WMF, and several other file formats.
Versioning Support in SDKs
Aspose.CAD Cloud .NET SDK provides a “Version” property for API configuration classes. This handy attribute allows targeting a specific version among the available three. The supported versions are; v1 (default) – updated on monthly basis or earlier, v1 (stable) – updated once every quarter, v3 (frozen) – latest “stable” version that is usually updated once each quarter.
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